Friday, November 20, 2015
Lily's Birthday!
Lily is now ONE!! she started walking about a month ago. Crawling is the thing of the past. It's walk or be carried. She loves to pull clean clothes out of baskets and run(tottle) off with her treasures.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Why didn't I think of this sooner!!!
We were shopping one night. Liam kept standing up in the cart and Lily kept crying to be held. Solution- Have Liam be a helper and hold Lily. It worked like a charm. He sat there holding her like the precious baby that she is. She was happy to be held. Mom and Dad had less stress. Win-Win!!
Temple Visit
Once in a while we like to take a day trip to Salt Lake City to view the Temple and feel the spirit that is there. We had a wonderful Day sight seeing and learning some things along the way.
Tulip Festival
We had a great time at the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. The flowers were just Beautiful. The kids had fun playing in the jump house and chasing the ducks.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Walk and Roll
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Here Comes Brie!!
Gabriella is now 10 months old and any day she is going to be walking by her self. So here is her walking with a walker. I just helped her for a sec. As you can she figured it out.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Happy 3rd Birthday Amie
We have had an interesting year with Amie. For a year she decided to call Lleyton...Amie. She would even correct you if you called him Lleyton. As of a few months ago she finally decided to call him Lleyton. YEAH!!! Now she just likes to refer to her self in the third person. She also spent most of the year coloring on herself and my walls. So, glad that has stopped. (knock on wood).

Amie just loves books. Most kids sleep with stuffed animals. Not my Amie. Her choice of a snuggle buddies are books. I am aways removing her sleeping head from the crack of a book. Of course this one night I found her asleep with hangers on her arm.
Amie my monster is now Amie my princess. Don't know how it happed but she is such a girlie, girl. It is rare if she goes one day with out dressing up in her princess clothes. Just this past week she dressed up as Cinderella.
ME: aww, Amie the pretty princess.
Amie: I not a pretty princess!!! I Cinderella.
Me: oh, sorry.... Cinderella.
Later that same day. She looks at my phone and sees a picture of her.
Amie: Oh, look pretty princess Amie.
Me: Yeah, pretty princess Amie.
She is a silly one. I have even discovered dress up shoes in the feet of her pj's. I guess she wanted to dress up for her dreams????
Halloween 2010!!
WOW this is late. Opps!! Well better late then never! kids loved Halloween. Lleyton was Bumblebee, Amie was a butterfly and Brie was a duck. I forgot to take a picture of Brie (I'm such a horrid mom!!). We were going to go to our wards' Trunk or treat, but it rained so it was more of a trick or treat train in the church. But the kids didn't mind. They were in candy heaven. Lleyton really got in to Halloween this year. Mostly because of school. They made lots of Halloween crafts. So, for the first time in years our house had decorations for Halloween. I just love all the fun crafts that he does in school. Unfortunately this year he figured out what a trick is. So now he will lie about something and then say " Mom, I just tricking you!!". all November we couldn't go one day with out Lleyton Yelling boo!!!
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