Thursday, August 19, 2010

Other Options

Here are some other diapers I have tried.
<--Econobum covers (one size fits all) work fine. I got seconds for about 5 bucks and are happy with them but if you aren't buying seconds then spend the little extra and get a flip cover. I love the snaps, but wish it went a little smaller for a newborn.
<--Prowrap covers. I liked them at first (Before I knew better). The pull fabric that they use is thicker then some other covers. They are also one of the cheapest covers you can get. The down side is they don't fit that great. I have had some moisture on the seams. Not Cool. And the worst is the velcro. My daughter can take it right off and it doesn't have a laundry tab. so most of the time when you take them out of the dryer they are attached to my other diapers. REALLY not Cool!!
<--Pre-folds. They work great as long as you get the right kind for the right job. If you are only useing them as an insert for a pocket or just laying them in a cover the Indian or Chinese kind are fine. The size of the normal Indian or Chinese pre-folds are awful for pining on a baby. they are to long and to small. If you want to use the pre-folds by them selfs get GMD pre-folds ( they have pre-folds that will actually fit on a baby. I also love this web site because they give you lots of pictures of what the diapers look like on newborns and older babies.

<--Fitteds. I have bought a few from Little lion. They are fat and give your baby a huge bum. not Cute at all. they also take a long time to dry. So, I don't care for them. they are a alot more like a paper diaper. No folding required. just put on baby. They still need a cover.
<--All in ones. I have never tried. By far the most like a paper diaper. Just put on baby. They are also the most expensive. I'm talking about any where between 18-30 dollars each diaper. Yeah, that would be why I have never tried them. They also take longer to dry. Every now and then I think about making my own or buying used just to have in the diaper bag for trips. Less to pack. Maybe one day.
<--Gerber pre-folds and covers. HATE!! I Almost didn't cloth diaper because of them. The first time I used a cloth diaper was with Amie. She was 4 months old. I put the Gerber prefold on her and picked her up next then I knew she was peeing on me. It shot strait through. Yeah, they are cheap for a reason. They can hold a thing. and the covers are pointless. One you have to put them on like pants. Which is hard to do when your baby likes to kick. They are king of the bubble butt. Could they make them any rounder?? They also don't hold in anything. And they don't last very long.
<--Gerber flats. I bought some small flats that I like ok. It is very cheaply made but works ok for a newborn. I would not use it on a bigger baby. Not a very thick weave. So, will not hold much.
<--Bummis Super brite. Great!! Very cute patterns and made out of strong pull fabric. They are the only diaper cover that are great for newborns. They are so tiny. Gabriella used the newborn size for less than a month before I could no longer squeeze her in to them. They only come in Velcro. Which is ok because it is high quality Velcro. Plus they have the laundry tabs. so you don't have to ripe them off other diapers when taking them out of the dryer. The only reason they aren't my favorite is the fact that they don't have any one size fits all or even a two size fit all. So you would have to buy at least 3 of each size. Which would be very expensive.
Ok I think that is all the different kind i have tried. One day I will post some picture of how they actually look on my baby. So, you can really see how they really work.

More Cute Bums

So, I decided to make some more cloth diapers and Give some info of Cloth diapers. Call me weird but I love Cloth diapers!! They are cheap and better for baby and the environment. I have tried Pre-folds, flats, and fitteds. I have tried different kinds of covers as well. My favorite system is a hand made flannel fitted pocket (one size fits all) with a flat insert. Flats are great by them selfs, but with newborn poo the fitteds do a better job of keeping the poo in so you don't have to change the cover every time baby poos. (some people don't like pocket diapers because you have to remove the insert before washing. Which can be gross if baby poos. but I have found that if I don't remove the flat insert it just comes out in the wash. How great is that???) Oh, did I mention the fact that I have never, NEVER had a blow out with cloth diapers!! Beat that Paper Diaper!! As for covers I really like the Thirsties Duo covers. they have a great fit for newborns and you only have to buy two different sizes. Instead of 4 or 5 sizes. I also am happy with the new flip diaper covers. the inserts are great for older babies but really big on newborns. So I stick to my flats with flannel fitted. The sides are stretchy so they have a great fit. and come in really cute colors. I ordered my flip and thirsties covers from They have free shipping and are the makers of the Flip diaper. The pattern for the flannel one size fitted pocket diaper is free. Just go to and download the pattern.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Baby Talk

Brie just loves to smile and talk. Lots of augoos!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I love 2 Dollar Tuesdays!!

We went to the dinosaur museum at thanksgiving point. The kids had a blast. Although Amie did have bad dreams that night. I really don't blame her. The Shark's mouth is a little to realistic for my taste. I prefer the cartoon kind.


Brie is Smiling!! I just love the real smiles. "The I just filled my diaper" smiles are cute but not as cute when they look into your eyes and smile for you and no other reason then the fact that they just adore you. Man, I love my job!!